One of the things that I have noticed as an educator is that children and young people are completely addicted to technology. They don't take time out to speak to one another fact to face anymore and they definitely don't play the kinds of games that we used to play when we were kids. The games I'm talking about were Jacks, Tic-Tac-Toe, Hopscotch, etc. Lately, my husband and I have been trying to limit technology in our home. Since we now have a teen and a pre-teen, they would rather spend most of their time playing video games when we are home. While we do reward them with time to play these games, we've also been going back to basics by making them turn off their gadgets in lieu of playing some good old-fashioned games as a family. When I was younger, one of my favorite games was Tic-Tac-Toe because it was so easy to play and because you could basically use any surface as a game board and many items can be used as game pieces. That … [Read more...]
Superhero Soaps
In our family, we have been blessed with nothing but boys and they love wrestling, running around, riding their bikes, and pretending to be superheroes. Now that my boys are older, they enjoy being superheroes on their favorite video games. Recently, I was asked by a friend to come up with some fun party gift ideas for her nephew's birthday party. Since I've made DIY soaps before, I thought it would be fun to make superhero soaps for all the kids. Superhero Soaps Materials: 1-2 lb. clear glycerin soap block (I purchased mine at a local arts and crafts store but they are readily available on Amazon) 4-5 drops of essential oil in your favorite scent (optional) Superhero erasers Square soap molds Directions: Cut the glycerin into small chunks using a sharp knife and place in a 2 cup microwave safe glass measuring cup. Microwave the glycerin in 1 minute increments, stirring until completely melted. If using essential oil, add 4-5 drops and stir. … [Read more...]
Make Your Child Feel At Ease At The Dentist
Every summer, I make sure to catch up on all of my kids' appointments since I teach full-time the rest of the year. Going to the dentist regularly is an important part of instilling good oral hygiene in my boys so we all go every six months for a checkup and a cleaning. My older son now sees the same dentist that my husband and I do because he is fourteen but our younger son still sees the pediatric dentist since he is eleven. Since we often made doctor's visits as a family, my younger son has had the opportunity of being present for his older brother's dentist appointments which has helped a lot by way of soothing his fears regarding what to expect during his own visit. I also allowed him to ask the dentist a lot of questions during my cleaning because he was very curious about the whole process. It really helped him to understand why we place so much emphasis on brushing his teeth a few times a day and flossing twice a day. Once the time came for his own dentist … [Read more...]
15 Frugal Summer Snack Ideas For Kids
Now that summer is here, kids will want to eat all summer long. It’s true, it appears once summer break hits they turn into bottomless pits that can never be filled. The good news is you do have some frugal options when it comes to snacking. Look below at these 15 frugal summer snack ideas for kids so you can fill the kiddos up for less. You might be surprised at how far you can stretch your grocery budget even when an assortment of summer snacks is on the menu! 1. Fruit kabobs. Give kids wood skewers and cut fruit (use what it is in season as it will cost less!) so they can make their own yummy and healthy fruit kabobs. 2. Make your own freezer pops. Buy refillable freezer pop trays and fill them with fruit juice or powdered drink mix for a cool summer treat. 3. Make your own fruit chips. Dehydrate or bake fruit slices into fruit chips. These are perfect for snacking and a great way to use up produce before it goes bad! 4. Try making trail mix. Buy inexpensive nuts, … [Read more...]
8 Ways To Save Money On Summer Activities For Kids
While the arrival of summer brings excitement, you might also be seeing dollar signs. It is no secret that beating summer boredom can also mean racking up the bills, but the truth is there are ways to save money while still having fun! Look at these 8 ways to save money on summer activities, so you can still have all the fun you want without going broke. 1. Check Groupon and Living Social daily. Since deals on these websites are always changing, it is always worth checking them out! Look for attraction tickets, movie deals, gift card deals, and other offers from summer fun spots. This way, you can enjoy the activities you love for less. 2. Call your local parks department. Chances are your local parks department is offering all sorts of summer camps and activities for kids. Since these programs are often funded on tax dollars, this means the cost passed onto you is minimal. Call your local parks department for a schedule of summer events and be in the know! 3. Head to the … [Read more...]
Piggie Grahams Recipe
We are two days from the end of the school year and the beginning of summer vacation here in New York City and I'm so excited! Our family joined a pool club this summer and we will be going there almost every day so I have been trying to come up with easy snack ideas that we could take with us that the kids could enjoy. What's summer without some sweet treats to let the kids indulge in? Piggie Grahams are so easy to make and my boys love to eat them. I like that they don't take up a lot of my time to make and that they are so adorable! The only bad part is that I end up eating some of them as I am packing them in the picnic basket and the boys are always asking where all the extra Piggie Grahams went. I always plead the fifth so, if I don't tell and you don't tell, there is nothing to worry about. Ingredients - white frosting, any brand pink gel food coloring graham cracker squares Wilton pink … [Read more...]
Science Project Idea: Cloud Experiment
Those of you who follow me on social media know that, last month, I helped my twelve year-old son with his Science project for school. Although I am an educator, Science has never been my strongest subject and I struggled to find a project idea that I could help him with while enjoying ourselves at the same time. We eventually settled on analyzing food dyes in a variety of popular candies. Next year, when my younger son enters fifth grade, I will have to help both of my boys with their Science projects and I know that it is going to be a lot of work. As a result, I have already begun to experiment with some fun ideas that I have found online and I'm hoping to choose some of them next spring when it's time for my boys to submit their finished projects to their school's yearly Science Fair. This experiment is to teach kids how rain happens. Clouds form when water droplets from the earth evaporate into the air. They are … [Read more...]
10 Presidents Day Activities For Kids
Are you excited to teach your children all about Presidents Day? Do you want them to have a deeper understanding of the holiday and how it relates to their lives today? If helping your child get a better grasp of Presidents Day is on your agenda, take a peek below at 10 Presidents Day activities for kids that you can try this holiday season! Teaching your kids about Presidents Day can be fun, informative, and even budget friendly. Here is how you can get started. 1. Create your own faux poll station. Understanding how our presidents are chosen is part of understanding Presidents Day! Talk to your child about the voting system, how one votes, and what age they have to be to vote. Create a faux poll station where children can cast their own vote to get an understanding of how democracy works. You can even look at pictures of ballots and stations online. 2. Look at examples of where presidents have been memorialized. Some of our most famous presidents have been memorialized in … [Read more...]
Cinderella Inspired Fairy Godmother Wand #DIY
When I was a little girl, I loved to engage in pretend-play. I would spend hours with my dolls making them talk to one another and act out all of the scenarios that I could think of. Dressing up was a big part of these afternoons of imaginative time and I always enjoyed acting and looking like my favorite fairy princesses. Every single day, I would read fairy tales with my grandmother and then incorporate the heroines in those stories into my creative sessions. For some reason, the fairy princess Cinderella always was one of my favorites. I have never had an evil stepmother but I think I could relate to her ability to keep going despite all of the adversity that she was faced with. I was always very good at improvising with things I found around the house to create the outfits for my make-believe playtime. Whether it was a silver spoon from the kitchen that I used for a scepter or an ornate towel that I … [Read more...]
32 Ways You Can Keep Kids Learning Over The Summer
Summer seems to rapidly approach every year and many of my students' parents have approached me for advice on how to support their children's learning at home. I always tell parents that allowing their kids to have fun is extremely important, but you also want to ensure they are learning in some capacity. Here are 32 ways that all parents can keep their child learning this summer: Take them to your local library! Read to your child, and with your child, regularly. Help them master different math concepts as you cook together. Play counting and math games while swimming in the pool. Take nature hikes and use science terms to study nature. Complete science experiments as a family in your kitchen. Do arts and crafts together a few times a week outdoors. Sign up for educational learning boxes that are delivered to your front door and are very affordable. Listen to educational songs and talk about the lyrics and compare it to poetry and poetic terms. Create … [Read more...]