32 Ways You Can Keep Kids Learning Over The Summer

      Summer seems to rapidly approach every year and many of my students'  parents have approached me for advice on how to support their children's learning at home.  I always tell parents that allowing their kids to have fun is extremely important, but you also want to ensure they are learning in some capacity. Here are 32 ways that all parents can keep their child learning this summer: Take them to your local library! Read to your child, and with your child, regularly. Help them master different math concepts as you cook together. Play counting and math games while swimming in the pool. Take nature hikes and use science terms to study nature. Complete science experiments as a family in your kitchen. Do arts and crafts together a few times a week outdoors. Sign up for educational learning boxes that are delivered to your front door and are very affordable. Listen to educational songs and talk about the lyrics and compare it to poetry and poetic terms. Create … [Read more...]