7 Essential Oils To Help Ease Anxiety


    If you suffer from anxiety, you know how unpleasant it can be. Finding comfort however is possible, and essential oils may be a fantastic non-chemical alternative to help you do that. Take a look below at 7 essential oils to help with anxiety and help you achieve a more calm and relaxed feeling. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

1.  Lavender-One of the more common oils, lavender can aid with anxiety, depression, sleep issues, and even headaches. Diffuse some lavender oil in your space or massage it into your temples for some relief. Lavender oil is reasonably priced as well, making it a budget friendly option for you.

2.  Ylang Ylang-Diffuse some Ylang Ylang while you relax or meditate. You can even place some in your palms and inhale. It is a great way to feel more peaceful, relaxed, and calm. Sounds lovely, doesn’t it?

3.  Lemon-Lemon and other citrus oils can help the user feel more upbeat and energized. Lemon oil can be added to your beverages, gargled with water, diffused, or massaged onto the skin for a pick me up. Lemon oil is budget friendly and easy to find as well, making it a great oil for beginners.

4.  Tangerine-Like lemon oil, tangerine oil is great for anxiety. The flavor is great to add to beverages or diffused, and can help the user achieve a more upbeat feeling and become rid of any negative or stressful ones. If you like citrus oils, this may become a new favorite.

5.  Sandalwood-Sandalwood has a lovely woodsy scent and is ideal for anyone who wants to feel more balanced and at ease. Diffuse it into your space to help yourself during stressful situations or when you need to relieve yourself of anxiety.

6.  Bergamot-Bergamot is gaining popularity as it helps the user feel more relaxed and balanced. Use bergamot when experiencing stress or anxiety. It is especially beneficial to use prior to a stressful event as a preventative. Work it in via a massage or diffuse it.

7.  Sage-Sage isn’t just for cooking! Diffuse, massage, or inhale sage when experiencing emotional stress or anxiety. It can help the user feel more at ease and peaceful as well as more focused and positive.

    Do you have any of these essential oils on hand? If not, now may be an excellent time to experiment with them. As you can see, they offer solutions to your anxiety and can help you lead a more relaxed and stress-free life. Give them a try and see if they offer any benefit to you and your family. You just might be surprised!

Let’s Discuss:  What experiences have you had with essential oils and what benefits have you experienced from using them?

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  1. I use essential oils to relax. I want to try some lavender drops behind the ears I will have to pick up some more essential oils as I am all out. My favorite has been tangerine.

  2. Robin (Masshole Mommy) says

    I know essential oils are the latest fad these days, but I haven’t really paid much attention to what oils do what. This was very helpful to learn 🙂

  3. I was never a believer, but my wife received a lavender one as a gift and now swears by it.

  4. I really would like to try out some essential oils, but I haven’t had the time yet. I use the scent of lavender very often already the house already – I love it, and I can tell a difference as far as the calming it can provide!

  5. Jennifer Williams says

    I use Peace & Calming as well as several different ones from the citrus family to help with this. I love the difference the oils make, if I am a bit stressed I can open up any citrus one and immediately go back to being a kid (grew up in citrus fields!).

  6. My anxiety is causing so many issues at the moment, I am going to have to give these a try thank you.

  7. I love essential oils. I’m so glad you posted this. Anxiety is very real and cause lots of health issues.

  8. Megan @ C'mon Get Crafty says

    I’m not terribly knowledgeable about essential oils, but I love the scents you mentioned. I could see where lemon would refresh you!

  9. i’ve never used oils but lavender is my favorite scent. I wonder if I could just drink a bottle of this and it would help. I am so anxious!

  10. If this works I need to slather this all over. I need some relief.

  11. I’ve only ever smelled the lavender oil. I had no idea there were so many stress relieving oils!

  12. I occasionally use essential oils–have for many years actually. Sandlewood is one of my favorites to calm down–Lemon or any citrus really perks me up fast!

  13. Okay I will be looking into these. I have bad anxiety and it’s only getting worse with age it seems. I will have to check these out as an option.

  14. My favorite is lavender. Those others I haven’t really tried.

  15. Amazing what a rage essential oils are now. I’ve been using them for 20 years to help with everything from allergies to mood enhancement to headache relief. It’s nice everyone is paying attention now 🙂

  16. I left a message under my other site name but truly appreciate this post and love your recipes.

  17. I’ve never used them before. What exactly do you do with essential oils?

  18. Mary Madalene says

    I’ve been using Essential oils for awhile now and I usually stick with Lemon and Lavender. After reading this I would definitely try the Sandalwood and Tangerine.

  19. Barbara Montag says

    Thank you for a great blog post.
    I have stress disorders and use Young Living daily for this.
    One that works great for me is Valor.

  20. I’d love to try the lavender one, I have always loved that scent and found it very relaxing.

  21. I have never use an essential oil before. I have read so much about them and know lots of people that are quite happy with results they obtain for different issues. I will have to give a few of these a try.

  22. Citrus scents are so great for anxiety. They really clear my mind.

  23. Debbie Denny says

    I love oils. I was quite surprised by how well sage works.

  24. I so need this as I feel anxious lately. I heard great things about essential oils.

  25. I love using essential oils to help with anxiety. I have found they make a noticeable difference lately.

  26. I have not used essential oils, but I am hearing a lot of good things about them. I have heard about them before, but they are really gaining in popularity. I just wonder if it will fade off soon.

  27. Sage does wonders – it is my favorite as it does a lot of things all in one.

  28. Pardon me while I go put some lavender in my diffuser. Love the stuff.

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