10 Homework Tips For Working Moms

    Working moms have the best of both worlds, we get to work and be parents! However, it can be quite a rush when evening time rolls around and dinner, homework, and bedtime approach rather quickly. Homework is especially an important but difficult time because everyone is already tired, but it still needs done. Here are 10 homework tips for the working mom.

  1. Create a schedule and a timeframe in which the homework should be done in. This will give everyone peace of mind.
  2. Prioritize what needs done first. Is there demanding homework that your child needs to work on first? If so, help them with that first so there’s less pressure later.
  3. Know how your child learns. Another tip for helping your kids with their homework is knowing how they learn. Maybe they complete their homework better in a room by themselves.
  4. Don’t be afraid to work on big projects together. This can be an awesome bonding experience for you and your child.
  5. Do your “homework” as your children do theirs! Everyone sitting at the table at the same time can create unity.
  6. Turn the TV and electronic off. Although your time in the evening is limited, while the kids do their homework, it is wise to turn off the television and the electronics.
  7. Take a break for fun. For some kids, a lot of their evening is filled with homework. It’s okay to take a break together and enjoy a snack. Try not to make homework time stressful!
  8. Rewarding is key. Let’s say your kids actually do their homework, don’t give you a hard time, and bring home good grades, and don’t be afraid to reward them. Rewarding is always a GREAT thing to recognize positive behavior.
  9. Communicate with the teacher and your child. Since time is so limited, make sure the teacher is available to answer any questions you may have. Never be afraid to communicate with your child’s teacher, but also respect their “after hours” boundaries.
  10. Teach responsibility as far as managing homework goes, this will help you be less stressed as a working mom.

    Since it’s easy to get so stressed out after a long day at work, following these tips can help keep the home a stress-free “homework” environment.

Let’s Discuss:  What are some homework tips you have for working moms? 

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  1. Great post! I was shocked to learn that Kindergartners have homework! These tips can be used very early on to develop a good routine and habits all the way through college.

  2. I guess my Mom was lucky–she had to work full time after my Dad died and I always just sat there and did my homework—–except for Geometry–I literally cried myself through that course-I still don’t get it! French was another subject that baffled me but Mom got me a tutor and that I picked up. Turns out I needed to be spoken to by a live person–not a machine! My suggestion-if your child is really frustrated (as I was)-and if at all possible-get them a tutor.

  3. I love this whole list! I can agree more that communication with the teachers is a must, they need that from you, and that working on projects together does create awesome bonding time. Knowing how your child learns can help you create the space at home that your child will thrive in while doing homework.

  4. I honestly do not have any tips because I homeschool. All of my kids’ work is homework! I set out a time each day to do all our work and stick to the plan to get things done.

    • Us too! I can’t imagine being gone half the day, or my kids only having so many hours at the end of the day to finish work and all the other family stuff and routine stuff. I’m glad I homeschool!

  5. Great tips and much needed !!!! I work about 45 hours a week so when it comes to homework half the time I feel like saying just toss it… just kidding but almost laci @ sequinsinthesouth

  6. We have homework 3 nights a week and will definitely keep these tips in mind.

  7. These are all great tips. Children must learn to work on their own, and only seek advice when it gets too tough for them. I guess I was lucky because I was seldom called upon for help with homework. My kids went to a school whose method of teaching was “assisted self-study,” and school policy was “all schoolwork must be done in school. The home is not an extension of the school. When the students are home, let them work on their E.Q. We will be responsible for developing their I.Q.”

  8. These are great tips. I love getting good ideas about how to handle this stuff- we are just a year off of homework.

  9. Jenn Peters says

    Great tips to keep in mind and on task. It can be so easy to get behind and out of whack.

  10. Good tips! Always setting the time apart for the homework, even space! I find that the most important, that there’s a special place to do homework, the kids aren’t inclined to be playing or messing around.

  11. #4 is something I wish my parents had helped me with. I don’t remember ever getting help with big projects.

  12. This year my son is getting a lot of homework. I like the way his teacher has it set up that on Friday she gives them the list of homework that needs to be done and he has till the following Friday to turn everything in. We usually tackle the hard ones first and sometimes he feels brave enough to get everything done in one day lol Which means the rest of the week he only needs to read and go over his spelling words!

  13. christina aliperti says

    Learning #3 really helped me. My son learns so differently than I do so I had to adapt to his way in order to help him. Once I realized it, it was much easier to deal with.

  14. I would add one more thing when talking about priorities. When we set them down we determine us to do it at the first time no matter how hard it is. Maybe we will need more time to do this but the accomplishment of this task will mobilize kids to do next ones. We should remember to praise kids for even the smallest task.

  15. I really just have to carve out the time to help my daughter with her work. I’ve tried having her be more independent with it, but she does better with my help and it’s become a nice time for us to spend together.

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