Cactus Bottle Craft

Cactus Bottle Craft

    Last Fall, we remodeled our kitchen and purchased new appliances. Now that we have a refrigerator that allows us to dispense filtered water, we are not buying bottled water that much anymore. As a result, it has allowed us to see not only how much money we were spending on bottled water, but also how many empty plastic water bottles we were contributing to the environment. This inspired us to figure out creative ways to recycle these plastic bottles.

Cactus Bottle Craft

    You’d be surprised how many uses there are for making sure that we don’t just throw these bottles away in the trash. Since the weather during the summer is perfect for enjoying the great outdoors, what better way to reuse these bottles than by using them to do crafts that will beautify your front yard. The thought inspired the following Cactus Bottle Craft which I’m sure many of you will love too!

Cactus Bottle Craft

Cactus Bottle Craft

  • Plastic water bottles
  • Green spray paint
  • Yellow tissue paper
  • Toothpicks
  • Hot glue/hot glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Soil
  • Terra Cotta pot

Cactus Bottle Craft

1. Lay out a few pieces of newspaper or cardboard outside or in a well ventilated area and let dry.
2. Turn the green bottles upside down, cut your toothpicks in half and hot glue about 15 of the non pointed ends of the toothpicks all over the sides of the green bottles slightly tilting up.
3. Trace a mason jar lid onto the yellow tissue paper, fold the paper and cut out about 20 circles.
4. Carefully glue the center of about 5-7 circles onto the top of the bottom of the green bottles.
5. Full a large terra cotta pot with dirt and stick the tops of the bottles in the dirt.

Cactus Bottle Craft

Cactus Bottle Craft

    Although this craft is really cute and perfect for doing with the kids, more importantly, it is teaching them a lesson about caring for our earth. We need to recycle whenever possible and take care of this wonderful planet that we call home!

Cactus Bottle Craft

Let’s Discuss: What are some of the ways that you recycle plastic bottles in your home?

© 2018, Tough Cookie Mommy. All rights reserved.


  1. I am, quite literally, the least crafty person on the planet. These sure are cute, though!

  2. Great craft and perfect to decorate yard. Thanks for sharing.

  3. This is a super cute and colorful craft. It’s a great way to do a project with the kids and reuse the bottles.

  4. What a fun craft idea! I think my husband would love it.

  5. Ann Snook says

    Oh my gosh, how creative! The little flowers are my favorite touch. I would have loved making these when I was little.

  6. This is seriously one of the cutest things ever! What a great way to upcycle!

  7. That’s kinda cute! It would be a fun thing for the kids to do maybe, very crafty idea to reuse some items.

  8. These are so cute! I think Justin and Hanna would love to make these! They’d look great in the backyard too.

  9. What a cute craft. We can do this one when it’s time to work on the letter C with the kindergartener at home.

  10. This is a fun repurpose. Filtered water from the refrigerator is nice, but the filters get pretty expensive. I’m not sure if we save money, but I would still rather have the filtered water. It’s convenient and cold. 🙂

  11. Annemarie LeBlanc says

    This would be a nice craft for my older grandchild. I see her taking interest in plants lately, and she gets all excited when she sees a flower bud. I think she’d love to make this cactus bottle craft too.

  12. CourtneyLynne says

    Omg what a cute craft! I’m always looking for fun activities to do with my daughter. I will have to give this a try.

  13. Shelly Peterson says

    This a super cute craft idea to do with my grandkids.

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