7 Ways To Use Vitamin E Oil

    Vitamin E oil is one of the best products to keep in your bathroom cabinet. You will find that it can help solve and soothe many common health and beauty issues, and using it is typically as easy as dabbing it onto your skin. You can find vitamin E oil at most health and beauty stores as well as drug and big box stores, and once you work it into your beauty routine you may never find yourself again without it. If you are curious about how vitamin E oil can help you, take a peek below at 7 ways to use vitamin E oil in your own home. 1. Moisturize your skin.
 You can actually use vitamin E in place of your daily moisturizer. You can dab the oil on (a little goes a long way) to your face concentrating on especially dry areas. Once a day should be more than enough, and once it starts to work you can even skip a day between uses. If you wish, you can even add a few drops to your daily moisturizer to help boost its power. 2. Lighten up dark spots.
 Sun, aging, and other elements can … [Read more...]