How Valentine’s Day Changed My Life…

    This Valentine's Day will make eighteen years since I met my husband for the first time.  I can still remember that day like it was yesterday... He was stationed at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina at the time and we met in a chat room online.  Neither one of us had ever done that before but we really seemed to connect and had so many things in common.  That weekend, he had called me to tell me that he would be unable to take leave and drive up to New York with his roommate because he had been assigned guard duty.     Of course, I was extremely disappointed that I would not be able to see him but I resigned myself to the fact and just tried to keep busy.  Sometime in the evening, I received a call from Ben telling me that his roommate would be stopping off at my house on his way to Jersey to drop off my Valentine's Day present.  I could hear a lot of noise in the background during the call and he assured me that they were just running drills on base.  Shortly after, his cousin, who … [Read more...]